Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Few of My Favorite (Websites) Things

Marlin and Amelia Olmsted - July 1957

A while back I was watching ABC Nightly News and they had a story about Eliot Glazer who has set up a website to show photos of parents when they were "super awesome". I don't know why this website has peaked my interest. Maybe it's because I am a new parent, and I hope some day my kids will post pictures of me on there (I know - I should be careful what I wish for...).

I look back on old pictures of my mom and dad, and the one above has always been one of my favorites. Man, they were HOT! I hope my kids think I was this hot when they get to be my age.

I love looking at the pictures that people have sent in of their parents and grandparents. These old pictures tell so many stories, and I would love to read about what each of these people had going on in their lives when these pictures were taken. So much history to be told.

Another favorite right now has sprung from my infatuation with Facebook - Oh Crap. My Parents Joined Facebook. The subtitle says it all: "CONGRATULATIONS! YOUR PARENTS JUST JOINED FACEBOOK. YOUR LIFE IS OFFICIALLY OVER." (BTW - I love you, mom!).

Finally, two of my favorite blogs: The Crack and The Light and A Talent for Idleness. TCATL is written by my friend of, like, FOREVER, and it keeps me updated on what is happening in her life with her extraordinary little man. ATFI is written by one of my employees - a very talented copywriter who I have rescued from our previous place of employment (a.k.a. "The Bowels of Hell"). I figured I owed it to him to get him out since I hired him.

Check them out... TM