Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Few of My Favorite (Websites) Things

Marlin and Amelia Olmsted - July 1957

A while back I was watching ABC Nightly News and they had a story about Eliot Glazer who has set up a website to show photos of parents when they were "super awesome". I don't know why this website has peaked my interest. Maybe it's because I am a new parent, and I hope some day my kids will post pictures of me on there (I know - I should be careful what I wish for...).

I look back on old pictures of my mom and dad, and the one above has always been one of my favorites. Man, they were HOT! I hope my kids think I was this hot when they get to be my age.

I love looking at the pictures that people have sent in of their parents and grandparents. These old pictures tell so many stories, and I would love to read about what each of these people had going on in their lives when these pictures were taken. So much history to be told.

Another favorite right now has sprung from my infatuation with Facebook - Oh Crap. My Parents Joined Facebook. The subtitle says it all: "CONGRATULATIONS! YOUR PARENTS JUST JOINED FACEBOOK. YOUR LIFE IS OFFICIALLY OVER." (BTW - I love you, mom!).

Finally, two of my favorite blogs: The Crack and The Light and A Talent for Idleness. TCATL is written by my friend of, like, FOREVER, and it keeps me updated on what is happening in her life with her extraordinary little man. ATFI is written by one of my employees - a very talented copywriter who I have rescued from our previous place of employment (a.k.a. "The Bowels of Hell"). I figured I owed it to him to get him out since I hired him.

Check them out... TM

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy Thyroidism!!!

Today is a happy day in hypothyroid land - Jami's TSH and T4 tests came back in the normal range. Her new meds are doing their job. YAY!

Plus, yesterday I got the biggest smile and giggle when I picked her up from daycare. What more could a mom want?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy Thyroidism?

Neonatal Hypothyroidism…


Considering it happens in approximately 1 in 4000 cases, how did I get so lucky that BOTH of my babies have it? Jami actually has it worse, and is on a higher dose of Levothyroxine. This is one of those things that I never would have thought of worrying about.

Right before I got pregnant I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. My mom has it, so I guess I’m the lucky one in our family to have inherited that gene. This more likely caused the issue with my infertility. I went on Levothyroxine in May of 2008. I got pregnant in June 2008 after 3 years of trying, and 2nd round of IUI treatments. It’s either a coincidence or I was lucky on that 2nd trial.

We found out they had it when they were 2 months old. And, it was Liam that I was more worried about at the time. He had this little jittery chin – it shivered like he was cold, but he wasn’t. Jami had something similar, but it didn’t happen as much with her as it did with him.
At their 2 month check up, I brought it up to their pediatrician, Dr. B, and she scheduled them to have blood work done (UGH). She said she wanted to check their thyroid levels (TSH and T4) as well as their calcium levels. I guess this “jittery chin” can indicate a thyroid issue or mal-absorption of calcium.

I made it through the blood test (I think it was harder for me than it was for them), and we found out their thyroid levels have not come down the way they should after birth. From what I understand, their TSH and T4 levels are high after birth, and start to drop as their thyroid and pituitary gland kicks in. Unfortunately, their thyroid and pituitary glands didn’t get this message, and Jami’s actually started to climb.

So, we were referred to a Pediatric Endocrinologist at Children’s Hospital in St. Paul. Treatment of hypothyroidism is one of the easiest ways to prevent mental retardation in infants, and starting them early on treatments is aimed at preventing permanent brain damage. So treating them is a no brainer. We have to monitor their thyroid levels every 2 months by blood tests until they are 3 years old.

Yes, you heard me correctly – 3 years old…

Double UGH.

We have to give them daily thyroid replacement supplements - crushing them up and putting them in a small bottle to get it in to them each morning. As they get older and start eating more foods, we’ll be able to get it into them that way. Luckily it’s a small pill.

Interestingly enough, Jami has really started to excel in development since the increase in her dosage. She always had her little tongue sticking out. We thought it was cute, but this is also another sign of hypothyroidism. She was always quiet, content, not fussy. We thought she was just a great little baby, but again, those are signs of an underactive thyroid. Now, she’s laughing, giggling, squealing, and all around happy little girl. She’s still more content to let her brother be in the spotlight, but we can tell the meds are helping her with her development.

Liam’s development has been right on track. He’s the one that wants to be in the lime light – the center of attention.

Both of them are healthy, happy and the center of my universe.

I couldn’t ask for anything more.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


When I was human-childless (I still consider my puppies my fur-babies), I had a hard time understanding the feelings that exist between a mother and child. I had friends tell me of the undying love you have for this little human that you created, and nothing can compare. I didn’t get it, and honestly, I never thought I would. I had nightmares about this when I was pregnant.

But it sneaks up on you. And it has happened to me.

I can’t imagine my life with out them - I just can’t do it. They have become the center of my universe. I have this huge responsibility to keep them safe and raise them to be good people. Every day I think of what I did with them and how I interacted with them. Did I spend enough time with each of them? Twenty four hours in a day isn’t enough time to spend with them. I’m doing what I can to cherish every minute.

I feel like a better person now that they are my babies. Now they are 6 months old they are interacting with everything and everyone around them. They look at me like the sun rises and sets on me. Who wouldn’t be won over by that?

I think about them constantly when they aren’t with me. I miss them terribly, and wish I could pick them up and nuzzle their little cheesy necks and sqeeze their little ham hock legs that will cause them to squeal and laugh with delight.

That is how they do it. They reel you in with these laughs, squeals and smiles.

Everytime we are out with them, we will get the “Boy – you sure have your hands full!” comment. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

We do, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Ahhh - the sweet sounds they have brought to our home

***flashback to July 2008:***

I’M. HAVING. TWINS…!!!!! HOLY SH*T!!! What are we going to do???

I look back on that time and remember how freaked out I was when I found out I was having twins. How are we going to pay for everything they need? (We are working through it – you do what you have to do.) How am I going to care for TWO babies? (I make sure to treat my husband nice – I can’t afford him running off! And I accept any offer of help I get – my one word of advice is when someone offers to help, don’t ask questions – Just Say YES!) Was I tempting fate by going the IUI route? (Possibly, but I believe that everything happens for a reason.) What if I totally suck at being a mom? (Who doesn’t at one point or another?) How huge will I get? (HUGE!)

I was told I should have started blogging back when I found out I was pregnant, but I could barely get my head wrapped around having twins, much less worry about writing about my 24/7 morning sickness and cravings. I do wish I would have started back then, but it’s better late than never.

For as much hard work as these little ones have been, I wouldn’t change any of it. They are my sweet dumplings – I love them to pieces.