Friday, July 31, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Ahhh - the sweet sounds they have brought to our home

***flashback to July 2008:***

I’M. HAVING. TWINS…!!!!! HOLY SH*T!!! What are we going to do???

I look back on that time and remember how freaked out I was when I found out I was having twins. How are we going to pay for everything they need? (We are working through it – you do what you have to do.) How am I going to care for TWO babies? (I make sure to treat my husband nice – I can’t afford him running off! And I accept any offer of help I get – my one word of advice is when someone offers to help, don’t ask questions – Just Say YES!) Was I tempting fate by going the IUI route? (Possibly, but I believe that everything happens for a reason.) What if I totally suck at being a mom? (Who doesn’t at one point or another?) How huge will I get? (HUGE!)

I was told I should have started blogging back when I found out I was pregnant, but I could barely get my head wrapped around having twins, much less worry about writing about my 24/7 morning sickness and cravings. I do wish I would have started back then, but it’s better late than never.

For as much hard work as these little ones have been, I wouldn’t change any of it. They are my sweet dumplings – I love them to pieces.

1 comment:

  1. Being a mommy is better than ice cream and chocolate combined! But you need both to make it thru.... go figure! Welcome to the blog-o-sphere!
