Tuesday, August 18, 2009


When I was human-childless (I still consider my puppies my fur-babies), I had a hard time understanding the feelings that exist between a mother and child. I had friends tell me of the undying love you have for this little human that you created, and nothing can compare. I didn’t get it, and honestly, I never thought I would. I had nightmares about this when I was pregnant.

But it sneaks up on you. And it has happened to me.

I can’t imagine my life with out them - I just can’t do it. They have become the center of my universe. I have this huge responsibility to keep them safe and raise them to be good people. Every day I think of what I did with them and how I interacted with them. Did I spend enough time with each of them? Twenty four hours in a day isn’t enough time to spend with them. I’m doing what I can to cherish every minute.

I feel like a better person now that they are my babies. Now they are 6 months old they are interacting with everything and everyone around them. They look at me like the sun rises and sets on me. Who wouldn’t be won over by that?

I think about them constantly when they aren’t with me. I miss them terribly, and wish I could pick them up and nuzzle their little cheesy necks and sqeeze their little ham hock legs that will cause them to squeal and laugh with delight.

That is how they do it. They reel you in with these laughs, squeals and smiles.

Everytime we are out with them, we will get the “Boy – you sure have your hands full!” comment. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

We do, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

1 comment:

  1. Yep... it is a devilish ploy they have to rob you of peace of mind and sleep with coos and big eyes. And by the time they become 2 year old tantruming devils, you are so hooked on them (like crack) that you will not just abandon them at Target when they lose it. You will watch Elmo, Little Einsteins, Thomas the Train, etc ,etc ... even when they are not there!!!!... out of habit and lack of ability to follow a real plot line anymore...

    O what a wicked web we weave when we decide to conceive....
